
When more than one player remains in the game, it is time for the showdown, in which players reveal their hidden cards and evaluate their hands. The player who has the highest hand wins the pot. A poker hand is worth as many chips as its parts, and the players in the game typically use one or more chips as play money. Poker traces its roots to the 1800s, when players used gold dust and nuggets as coins to keep score. Casino chips were eventually introduced into the gambling business.

Different variants of poker have different betting intervals. A player has the privilege or obligation to be the first one to bet, and the other players must bet after that player. A player who makes the first bet is considered an active player. Once a player makes a bet, the remaining players have two chances to make a second bet. In most cases, the first player will win the first pot. A player may win both the main pot and side pots depending on the number of cards he has.

In the game of poker, every player is allowed to discard three cards in a single round. When a player is able to discard three cards, he may also discard the replacement cards. Here, Brad has three spades while Charley has one. While Dennis has three kings, the player with the lowest hand is left with one spade. However, the player with the highest hand wins the pot, but will lose the chance to win the pot if he discarded the cards.