A casino is a place where people pay to play games of chance. There have been less lavish places that house gambling activities and would still be called a casino, but the modern casino adds an aura of luxury with food, drink, stage shows and dramatic scenery to attract gamblers. Casinos have a built-in advantage that ensures they, and not the players, will always make money. This is known as the “house edge.”

The first step in a successful casino run is to get the right people to gamble. This is accomplished by offering comps, or free goods and services, to the most loyal customers. These can include hotel rooms, restaurant meals, show tickets or even limo service and airline tickets for big spenders. Comps are based on the amount of time and money a player spends at the casino.

Other casino tricks are designed to appeal to the senses of sight, touch and sound. Bright lights are used to create an opulent atmosphere, and more than 15,000 miles of neon tubing is strung along the Las Vegas Strip. Slot machines are programmed to be visually appealing and to make sounds that resonate in the ear. The rhythm of clacking coins and the clang of bells is constantly heard.

Casinos also employ a number of technological methods to detect cheating. For instance, casino chips have built-in microcircuitry that communicates with computers to record the exact amount of money wagered minute by minute, and roulette wheels are electronically monitored to discover any statistical deviation from their expected results.