In Poker, the highest-ranking hand is the one with two distinct pairs plus a fifth card, also known as a “high pair.” If no pair is higher, the next-highest hand wins. A tie occurs when no pair is higher than the high card, or when one player has a pair but another player has a better hand. When a tie occurs, the high card is the deciding factor. In the following paragraphs, we’ll discuss the different ways to break ties and the various types of winning hands.
A royal flush is the highest poker hand. It consists of five cards of the same rank, including an ace. Aces can be either high or low. The high card outside of a four-of-a-kind is used to break ties. Another hand with five consecutive ranks is a straight flush. Despite its name, it’s not always possible to win a straight flush. The only way to make it into a royal flush is to hold two four-of-a-kinds and two aces.
If no one has made a bet yet, a player can open the betting. If you have two high cards and a low pair, bluffing is a viable strategy to win a poker game with bad cards. But bluffing is risky and should only be used when all players have high cards. Similarly, a high-ranking hand may win a poker game with a poor hand if you’re lucky and good at bluffing.